Stmarie’s Weblog

2012 Election Information

An Open Letter to Congressman Adam Schiff (D) (Congressional District number 29 of California) Sent 12/20/09 December 20, 2009

Dear Congressman Schiff.

I am 59 years old and I have health insurance. It is expensive. But I am very happy with it. Will I be able to keep it? Maybe. But I know that if I keep it I will be taxed because I have a “Cadillac Plan” and I will be penalized with a tax because I am considered a “Rich Bastard” because I can afford healthcare insurance.

I am so disappointed in the Marxist Socialist Democratic Party. The United States is now a single central party system just like in Communist countries. The way that the MSDR has bought off the votes of Senators is unprecedented in US History. Being originally from Chicago I have grown up with corrupt Democratic Party procedures. These corrupt policies are what Barack Obama brought to the White House from Chicago.

I’m sure you will be an idiot and vote for this train wreck of a healthcare bill that no one, not event the people voting for this know what is all in the bill because is was written by lay people who have no idea what the people of the United States care about. This is a blatant disregard of the of the desires of the citizens of the United States of America. This is legislation that should have been a bipartisan effort instead of being created behind closed doors, excluding Republicans and Independents. You know this was morally wrong and is not Constitutional. If this passes there will be people in office that will be convicted of treason and put in jail. I will join every effort to see that this happens. In any event because you never spoke out against this bill you will be considered in this movement. Is this a threat….No. Is it a fact? You will have to wait and see depending on how your vote. It won’t be me starting this movement but when it happens I will support it.

The fact that you even support the disgusting Nancy Pelosi and the Pelosians is just appalling. Barbara Boxer, Diane Feinstien Et. al. and the SEIU have all but ruined this state of California. Companies are closing and moving from this state in large numbers. The reasons: Excruciating high taxes, crippling EPA restrictions and the corrupt SEIU stranglehold on business in this State. This state will never recover until it is run by any other party except for the Marxist Socialist Democratic Party.

Here is the fact that you have to go to sleep with tonight. “The problem with Marxist Socialist Entitlement Programs is that you eventually run out of OTHER peoples money.”

P.S. Ditto on all of this for “CAP AND TAX.” This is another MSDP train wreck. If you think there is unemployment now wait till businesses get hit with “Emission Taxes.” If you vote for this train wreck of a bill and create “Energy Credits” what do you think will happen? Who will create, trade and control energy credits that are the same as money? Wall Street. Do you thing the corrupt US Government will be allowed to control “Energy Credits.” This will then make the United States officially a Communist Country because the US Government will control everything that that happens in The United States. I want you to vote against any kind of CAP and TAX legislation.

In any event no matter what you do: “YOU ARE FIRED.”

Don’t bother to respond to this unless you say “I agree and I will vote against both the Health Care and the Cap and Tax Train wrecks.” If I get a response from you saying anything else I will consider it a “Canned Response” showing that you do not care about what the the Citizens of the United States really want.



The Cloward Piven Strategy 11/22/09 Updated 12/13/09 November 22, 2009

OK so what is The Cloward Piven Strategy?

Let’s start with this explanation.

Today Senator Harry Reid continues to ignore the wishes of the majority of  the citizens in the United States by pushing and getting 60 votes to start the discussion on a very, very bad healthcare bill that is unsustainable in monetary support with any amount of taxes collected or seized.

Here is: H.R. 3962 that was Passed 60 to 39 to move forward for debate.

If H.R. 3962 gets passed it will  be the beginning of the collapse of our economy. This is far worse than any Global Warming Ponzi Scheme that Al Gore is running. As outlined in Cloward Piven Obama Care is the first step of many to implement the Cloward Piven Strategy.

Here is a definition of the Cloward Piven Strategy from Wikipedia.

Cloward Piven Strategy

Richard A. Cloward

Frances Fox Piven

Democratic Socialists of America

Time for you to do some homework and research to be more informed about what I am writing about.

OK so let’s talk about these people: Barack Obama, Saul Alinsky, Richard A. Cloward, and his wife Frances Fox Piven.

Saul Alinsky

“Alinsky’s teachings influenced Barack Obama in his early career as a community organizer on the far South Side of Chicago.[7][8] Working for Gerald Kellman’s Developing Communities Project, Obama learned and taught Alinsky’s methods for community organizing.[7][9] Several prominent national leaders have been influenced by Alinsky’s teachings,[7] including Ed Chambers,[5] Tom Gaudette,Michael GecanWade Rathke,[10][11], and Patrick Crowley.[12]

Saul Alinsky wrote two books.

Reveille for Radicals


Rules for Radicals

Saul Alinsky wrote this:

“What follows is for those who want to change the world from what it is to what they believe it should be. ‘The Prince’ was written by Machiavelli for the Haves on how to hold power. ‘Rules for Radicals’ is written for the Have-Nots on how to take it away.”

So how does this all tie together? As you all know Barack Obama was greatly influenced by Saul Alinsky in addition to Frank Marshall Davis.

Both of these gentleman were radical socialists and in the case of Frank Marshal Davis had connections to the CPUSA (Communist Party United States of America.)

As you have figured out by now that Barack Obama is the most radical president that has ever been elected to office.  This becomes obvious in his callous disregard for the Constitution of the United States of America.  The idea that Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Chris Dodd and Barney Franks all say that the citizens of the United States have the “RIGHT” to government provided health care proves that quite blatantly.

If you can find anywhere in the US Constitution where Citizens of the United States of America have the RIGHT to healthcare please let me know so I can post it here.

As these government programs like the “Public Health Care Plan” and “Cap and Tax’ are pushed into law and forced unwillingly down the throats of the citizens of the United States of America, It starts to become evident that these programs are unsustainable with any amount of taxes that will be collected. As the huge numbers of less fortunate people in this country start to TAKE from the system more than they GIVE to the system you can see how this will start to collapse the financial structure of the US Federal Government subsequent imploding the US Economy.  The implosion will take place as the US Debt becomes so big that there is no way to ever repay it.  As the dollar collapses we will not longer be able to sell our debt to countries like China as they will deem the US Dollar as worthless. When the US Dollar becomes worthless that is a classic case of bankruptcy.  As Taxes and Penalties are demanded  and collected buy the Socialist government, it becomes very apparent how the Capitalist Free Enterprise System of the United States will collapse and become non existent due to the high costs of doing business and being able to compete with a Government run entity that may include everything from health care to “Green Manufacturing of Government Designed and Mandated Automobiles.”

As private capitalist enterprise starts to deteriorate the Central Socialist Plutocratic Party Government will start to take over and create a One Plutocratic Party System (A Marxist Socialist Party) that looks a lot like a Communist Society will start to emerge.

Classic Marxism

As you do your homework  on the Cloward Piven Strategy, it will become quite evident on the path that this The Untied States of America is headed in. It is so difficult to believe that the “Lamestream Media” refuses to report on this.

12/13/09  Today the Socialist Democrats jammed a 1.1 TRILLION dollar budget down the throats of the citizens of the United States. This is the first of many unsustainable budgets to be passed further deteriorating the quality of life for generations to come. This is the Cloward Piven Strategy in action.  Not only are people out of work and not paying taxes, but more and more jobs will be lost and there will be no amount of taxes that can be collected to ever repay this debt.  So what does that mean? Well seeing as how the government can not declare bankruptcy the Fed will print more money thus devaluating the dollar even more. In turn this will lower the quality of life in this country to 3rd world standards.  There will ultimately be three classes of people.


Petite Bourgeoisie,


As proletariats we will own nothing.  We will work for the government (Central Plutocratic Party System) and the government will provide everything the Central Plutocratic Party System determines what we our needs are inorder to be productive and Support the Central Plutocratic Party System.

The Petite Bourgeoisie will be the Modest Small Business people that will provide the support for the Central Party System.

We now start to see the difference between a FREE MARKET SYSTEM and what we thought as CAPITALISM.

In a FREE MARKET SYSTEM we are allowed to Create and Save income to improve our lives and quality of life.

In a CAPITALIST system we are controlled by the Central Plutocratic Party system seen in the graphic above.  When we are controlled by the Central Plutocratic Party System we are not allowed to improve our own quality of life, rather we are mandated in improving the Quality of life and existence of the Central Plutocratic Party System.

At this time the only thing that will stop this from occurring is reducing and eventually dissolving  the Democratic Socialist Party from ever running again for office in the United States.

The only way this country can be saved is with a two party system consisting of the Republican Party and the Libertarian Party or possible the Tea Party if it becomes a certified Political Party.

It is now up to you how you will vote in 2010 and 2012.



DNC Web Ad: ‘Enough of the Mob’ 8/6/09 August 5, 2009

This is the finest example of Marxist Socialist Propaganda that I have ever seen in my life time. This is a clear display of the break down of the integrity of the United States of America.  When the Government in Control deems the citizens of the United States are a  “Mob” then this is showing that this country is as divided as it was before the Civil War.  This does not look good for the future of the United States of America.  Every day Barack Obama makes this country look weaker and weaker.  By the DNC showing a total disregard of the citizen’s wishes it demonstrates that we are becoming no more civilized than Iran, Iraq or Afghanistan.

ST Marie


Barack Obama is Systematically Destroying This Country February 27, 2009

In Barack Obama’s quest to transfer power from the people to the government Barack Obama is making decisions with out the consent of the voting citizens of the United States.  Today’s announcement that he is going to with draw troops on August 10, 2010 is a good idea. But this is how stupid Barack Obama is, He just announced to the world that we have surrendered and are incapable of finishing what we started. If Barack Obama had withdrawn the troops quietly in an organized or systematic way that would have been OK.  Everyday Barack Obama shows his short comings in his ability to lead this country. And again I’m sure today’s news will again remove the confidence in the investors in this county and the markets will weaken even further.  You can see the downward spirial of the market here as I track it as Barack Obama makes his plans to ruin Wall Street and destroy the savings of US Citizens.

I just want to explode as I watch the market and my life’s savings disappear.  It is bad enough the Bill Clinton started this mess, George W. Bush contributed to it when he got side tracked with 9/11 and didn’t grab the bull by the balls and stop the emerging mortgage melt down by taking action against the Socialist party and stop the madness at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.  And now the voters of The United States of America have giving a person that has roots in Marxist Socialism a credit card with no limits or good credit.  If you think 9/11 changed America for the worst, Just wait till you see the shambles that Barack Obama is going to leave.  Most of my friends say, “Give him a chance he is only in office for a few months.”  In the few months that Barack Obama has been in office he has not give us hope, rather he has done just the opposite, he has destroyed the confidence of the public. The only people that have confidence in Barack Obama are people that believe that they deserve a life of entitlement provided free by the entrepreneurs that have started businesses to give this country jobs.

Today Barack Obama has made the proclamation that he (in the name of the Government)  is mandate that the successful people today making $250,000.00 or more will be subject to extreme high taxes which amount to extortion as these people that make that amount of money have no say in how much Barack Obama wants to take from them.

Barack Obama wants to use the taxes that he is going to take from people that make over $250,000.00 to provide subsidized welfare in the name of healthcare to the public.

See my page on my comments on healthcare.

Let’s listen to Barney Franks statement about “RECOVERING” the money that the wealthy have due to the currant tax rate.

This was an interview with CNBC which is one of the most liberal media stations on the air. According to Barney Franks the people that have been successful must now have that money “RECOVERED.” As if that money never belonged to the sucessful people to begin with and the government is “ENTITLED” to that money and must take it back.

Just think about what Barney Franks is saying.  Just think.  Basically if the socialists believe you have to much money they will take it back and PUNISH you for being successful. What is this going to do to the psyche of anyone that wants to start a small business, create jobs and provide a privately run enterprise? It will discourage anyone from starting a business for fear of being successful and making over $250,000.00 a year.  And here is the worst of this, $250,000.00 is not a lot of money for some one to earn if they own a small business.  Ok so what amount would be? I think that any one making over $750,000.00 a year should be taxed at a slightly (maybe 8%) more in Income tax.

Wake up America.  This is not good.  You can think about today as we are all having a rough time.  But what is emerging is not a good plan for the future of your children or your not to distant future.



Barack Obama, Fox News and the First Amendment October 24, 2008

Ok so I’m sitting there thinking about a comment that Barack Obama said and I quote.

“If it wasn’t for Fox News I’d have more votes.”

So what does that statement say?  Sounds to me like Barack Obama may want to censor Fox News after he is elected. Keep in mind that inflammatory remarks like that sound a little suspicious and the very first thing to happen in a Communist country is the disruption of the 1st amendment. Is the ACLU looking at this comment?  Oh wait silly me.  The ACLU is spending time to restore the rights of incarcerated child molesters and murderers.  I’m sure they have their priorities straight. Watch Out Fox News You may be on the Barack Obama’s “Cutting Floor.”   ST

Bob Barr for President 2008

I voted. Did you?


Protecting The United States from Marxist Socialism October 20, 2008

Here are some bumper stickers for your Blogs.

Yes there are MC Cain Bumper stickers in the lot, But I persaonlly don’t care who you vote for as long is it is not Barack Obama

Bob Barr For President 2008

Yes, the citizens of the United States should be allowed to abolish Marxist/Socialist Parties.


What The Hell is Barack Saying Anyway? It’s Balderdash I Tell You. October 14, 2008

What the hell is he saying? So you think that Barack always gives you straight answers? Watch this!!

Balderdash I say.


OMG.  Was that just the biggest bunch of bull manure you ever heard. At the end poor Sam “Joe” Wurzelbacher the plumber had this really really confused look on his face.

You got to be kidding me. Barack Obama for President? The guy that lives by “If you can dazzle them with your brilliance baffle them with your bull manure.” This shows that Barack Obama does not understand main street business at all. $250,000 is wealthy? Maybe $500,000 is wealthy. It takes a minimum of $100,000 a year for a family of four to live in a reasonable house, have a car, pay health insurance (No social medicine for me thank you) and to put two children through 4 years of college at the university of their choice. It seems like Barack Obama’s American dream is to pay a lot of taxes. OMG 39% Tax? That is almost Communism. Why even work if the government is going to take that much. You can make more money on the dole. How complicated does Barack Obama want to make the Tax Code now?

Well if you pay this much tax on this but not that much tax on that I’ll give you a tax cut on something else. But if you make to much on something else I’ll give you a rebate on this. But if you make over this I’ll rebate you on that but if you make to much on that I’ll have to increase your tax on the other. Did you hear him? We call that Balderdash.

Typical Obama that has a lot of pretty words and says absolutely nothing that makes sense. Give me a break. Marxist socialism at it’s best served here.

Let me ask you all a question. Why would you want to get an education, be successful and earn a lot of money when you have to give 39% of it to the government if you earn over $250,000.00.

Why? This is Not the American Dream. This is Barack Obama’s Dream to use socialism to destroy the dreams of people that want to be successful and make a lot of money?

Why should I spend a lot of money getting an education, making a lot of money and then give it to people that get free money and have no desire to get ahead?

Barack wants to give the middle class a tax break at the cost of anyone that is successful? What kind of a tax break?  If you make less than $250,000.00 Obama said that that it would be the same as what you paid under Bill Clinton.  35% instead of 39%.

Oh yeah that is going to help the middle class a lot. Then what? People who make less than $25,000 a year pay like 10%?

Remember the people that remain in the lower income brackets by their lack of desire to move up are the biggest tax burden on the Government. They will pay the least and use the most tax dollars.  Why not encourage people the other way. The more money you earn, the less in taxes you have to pay because the people that make more money use less government services.

The problem with this country today is that we are a country of entitlement. The government owes me this, The government owes me that. Now you know why I am voting Libertarian this year. I believe in good old fashioned values that you have to WORK for what you have.  No free hand outs, no entitlement programs.

Bob Barr for President 2008

Not to mention 12 million Illegal immigrants that Barack has said nothing about preventing from getting any of my hard earned Tax money. This just wreaks of the very first stages of Communism.

Dammit people don’t you get it?

How much clearer does this have to be?

Keep in mind If the Democrats can keep people Poor, Uneducated, Unemployed and Desperate they will always have a voter base.



An Open Letter to Kaleokualoha

Hi Kaleokualoha,

Thank you for your comment. I appreciate your candor and challenge. I have to admit that I may have had a “Moment” when I wrote that part. I will change it to “Political Differences.” And I will do more research on this. It will be about how useless the unions are as this was Frank Marshall’s mission as I read it. (I am an ex-teamster.) Unlike Barack I admit my mistakes and I am honest with people.

I do not believe anything that Barack Obama says. He is a very very hardcore socialist. I believe that he has other motives that I the people do not know anything about. I don’t even think Joe Biden knows what he is going to do. Both Barack and Michelle have very checkered pasts when it comes to radical Afro American positions.

In case you are wondering:

Bob Barr (L) for President 2008.

Bob Barr has been libertarian working on preserving the bill of rights. A noble cause. Not Socialistic at all.

Now you know my position. Keep in mind what you are supporting. If Barack Obama gets elected then the Democrats (Socialist Party) will control the House, Senate and Congress. This will be a Single Socialist Party controlled government. In the free world this is called a Communist Country where the government controls everything and the citizens control nothing and do not have a BILL OF RIGHTS. Everything that Barack says appears to me like he wants the Citizens of the United States to be totally dependent on the US Government.   Obama to me has to many dictator/anarchist qualities about him with his golden tongue that everyone is just mesmerized by. Obama is not John Kennedy.  Barack Obama never served this country. John Kennedy was an American that served this country like John Mc Cain. The report on Obama being a patriot  is not in yet.

By the fact that he has distanced himself from ACORN, he doesn’t seem to mind that they are committing voter registration fraud in his favor. I bet you that if ACORN was committing the same voter fraud for John MC Cain or any other candidate then Barack’s campaign would be hauling out the big guns and just making a huge deal about it. But because ACORN, even though Barack is not now part of it, is fraudulently signing up poor people that may not even be able to read in Barack’s favor, Barack says nothing. Oh, he comments on it. But he isn’t anything to stop it. Ok, Stop it, Just stop it.

Do think Really think ACORN is coercing people to register as Republicans?……. Give me a frigging break here. How stupid do you think anyone is to believe that ACORN is a non partisan organization.

So were am I going with this?

Think about how elections are rigged, fixed, tainted or any other word that you want to use in dictator controlled countries.

Enough said.



The United States as a Psuedo-Communist Nation October 13, 2008

If Barack Obama gets elected then the Democrats (Socialists) will have complete control of the Presidency (Dictatorship,) Congress and the Senate.

By description The United States of America will be a ONE SOCIALIST PARTY controlled political system.

In the free world this is called a Communist Third World Country.

Enough said?



Barack Obama Brings The United States to the Darkest Days In it History

This may be the most poignant article that I have written yet.

First, I have to open with this Disclaimer that I have said before.

“I am never going to say that Barack Obama is a card carrying Communist as I have no proof of this fact.”

That being said I have to look at all the facts so far.

Let me start with a fact from Barack Obama’s own words from his book “Dreams From My Father.”

Barack Obama writes about “a poet named Frank,” who visited them in Hawaii, read poetry, and was full of “hard-earned knowledge” and advice. Who was Frank? Obama only says that he had “some modest notoriety once.”

We now find out who “Frank” is exactly.  It is Frank Marshal Davis.  A proclaimed Marxist and a member of the Communist Party member.

Frank Marshal Davis was born on December 31, 1905. During this time period Frank Marshall Davis would be 66 though 74 years old.

Barack Obama lived in Hawaii between 1971-1979. Barack Obama was born on August 4th 1961.  So this would have made Barack Obama the ages of 10 through 18.  This is the most impressive years of a person’s life.

In Barack’s Book he talks about long conversations with Frank Marshall Davis that were very “decisive-influence” in Barack’s molding into the person he is today.

Frank Marshal Davis was not only a Communist but he was also a Black Activist that had vast differences of opinions with “Haoles”

Haoles were or are white business people that owned and operated businesses in Hawaii. Frank Marshal Davis worked very hard to union  organize the employees of these “Haloes” for better pay.

Here is an interesting article written by Kathryn Waddell Takara, Ph.D

Dr. Waddell is long time professor and poet from Honolulu. She teaches at the Interdisciplinary Studies Program at the University of Hawaii at Mānoa.

I read this article and it helped me understand who and what Frank Marshal Davis was about.

Frank Marshall Davis: Black Labor Activist and Outsider Journalist: Social Movements in Hawaii

So now I have to ask what did Barack Obama and Frank Marshal Davis talk about for 8 years?

I don’t know. Do you?

OK, on the second part of this article.  Now that we know just a little bit more about Barack Obama we have to look at what will be the ultimate fallout if Barack Obama gets elected.

The United States of America is a “Democratic” country. That means we all have the write to make choices of which the voters of the United States is about to do.

I begin to question why Democrats are not called by what they really are and that would be Socialists. Socialist’s basic Mantra is “Redistribution of Wealth” usually by force using a very high tax rate.

Marxist/ Communisim takes this a little further by having the mantra that there will be one government and one Government only that will have all the power to “Redistribute the Wealth.”

It is clear that Barack Obama just hates the idea that Wall Street also has the ability to also “Redistribute Wealth.”  Not what a hardcore socialist want’s to have in his country.

Here is something that really bothered me today.

One of the things that Barack Obama offered today to fix the economy was a “Tax Free” grace period for people to take cash in their 401Ks and IRAs.

OK so what is wrong with this?  Remember Barack Obama is against the “Privatization” of individuals retirement plans that allows a person to control their own retirement finances.

Barack Obama is encouraging people to diminish or close their 401k, 529 education savings plan or IRAs by not imposing taxes leaving only The Government Controlled retirement system Social Security.

Instead of encouraging people to put more money in 401Ks, 529 education savings plan and IRAs by raising the limits of deposit he is incouraging people to cash out so they will become more dependent on the Social Security System. A lot of people are not that intelligent to know that cashing in their 401k, 529 education savings plan or IRAs is an absolute last resort that you would ever want to do.

This just seem like such a Marxist/Communist thing to do.

Who the hell is this mysterious person who came out of nowhere, with only 173 days of experience, a virtual young unknown just brainwashing the public into the Obama Abyss?