Stmarie’s Weblog

2012 Election Information

Barack Obama’s New Cash Cow Is In Your Hand. February 28, 2009

Gaze fondly at that little device in your hand that is your legacy, your life, your survival. An item that can help you achieve your dreams, your aspirations, your goals in life. Give you the confidence that your family and friends are OK when they answer your call or return your call.

Yes, it is your cell phone.  Barack Obama will make that a huge cash cow to help pay back the trillions that he is spending.  And you won’t have any say in it. As the Telcom companies have to pay these increases in spectrum license user fees, they will be very happy to pass it on to you and voila, a whole new set of fees, surcharges, taxes will magically appear on your cell phone bill.

Keep in mind that first responders in local municipalities will have to pay these fees also on the radio frequency spectrum that they use for Fire, Police, EMT, Haz Mat and other public communication services. The local governments will be glad to pass that on to you in the Real Estate Taxes that you pay in your town or city.

This will also affect commercial broadcasters (TV, Radio etc) who have to pay huge spectrum license fees already. Do you think it ends there? Guess again. It will affect providers of two way radio communications for businesses. Communications for delivery trucks, service companies that do repairs at your home. Telemetry used for businesses like UPS , Fed Ex and common carrier trucking companies to keep track of your packages. Oh did I mention radio services for our railroads, airlines, commercial and passenger ships, buses and other forms of public transportation? All using Radio Spectrum frequencies. But here is the one that I know will be a Huge Cash Cow for Barack Obama.  Guess what is so very popular in our business today?  Yep, Direct Connect or Nextel. What is that going to do to the cost of doing business?

OK, so can you see how we are going to get to 13% inflation or more that Jimmy Carter awarded the citizens of the United States with in 1980? Does this make sense to you now?

The people who voted for this monster called Barack Obama must be very, very wealthy and have a huge pile of cash to pay all these taxes that are in the future.