Stmarie’s Weblog

2012 Election Information

The Big Picture. August 17, 2010

It is very obvious that Barack Obama and his lame crew do not have any vision for the future and if they do it is a very damaged understanding of what is really going to happen.  This video has the vision of what will really happen in the future.

Please watch and comment. I will accept reasonable, intelligent comments either in favor or not in favor. I will consider “flames” as junk and will not accept those comments.




10th Amendment And Other Topics. April 3, 2010

Hello All.

It has been a while since I have posted anything.  There was a time when there was maybe one big political atrocity per week or maybe two perpetrated on the US population by the Barack Obama’s wrecking crew. In the past months it would have been impossible for me to comment on all the things that have happened.  I just would have not had enough hours in the day. As I absorbed the series of events that have occurred, I came to a conclusion that a lot of these events have been exposed with ever sharpening coverage by Fox News Network.  When I first started to blog the Tea Party did not exist.  My goal in my writings was to get people to think. My goal did not include converting Democrats into Republicans or Republicans into Democrats.  My goal was to convert sheep following a good looking guy that spoke really well from a TelePrompTer into Patriotic Americans that would wake up, do their own research, read history and come to the conclusion that Marxist Socialism has been a huge failure in past history. Marxist Socialism is a distorted Utopian view on social/economic, human lifestyle.

Since I have started to blog, the Tea Party has come into existence.  Here is the irony about what is going on.  Most of the people, especially the younger Barack Obama disciples, do not even understand the origin of the Tea Party.  What I mean by that is they have no idea what the Boston Tea Party December 16, 1773 was or what it stood for.  My writings were inspired by trying to re-light the passion of the American Patriotic movement.  No No No.  I am not taking ANY credit for the new Tea Party movement….No.  But this is what I was hoping would happen.

It is very very clear that Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosie et. al. have been the most UN-American political party to ever hold court over the United States.  I feel very very confident that we will see the repercussion of this in the mid term elections in November of 2010.

As a follower of the Libertarian Party, I still have a lot of concerns about the mid term elections.  In the past Republicans have been responsible for massive tax spending along with Democrats. This is the core charge of of the new Tea Party movement. The Tea Party is about overpowering government both Republican and Democrat.

The currant issue is that if the Republicans regain control of the House and/or the Senate, will the politicians in control have learned that the people do not want huge, overpowering, dominant, controlling government and continue to make the same fatal mistakes as the currant and past administrations have made.

If we continue to elect the same ilk of self-centered, selfish, egotistical and unpatriotic people to office, the problem will continue to persist.  Maybe I am at the other end of the Utopian rainbow thinking that this could ever happen.  I don’t know. You can comment at anytime.

The next few months will be a political stage show that will continue to show the ineptness of the Barack Obama Tyranny.

I will make one comment on the constitutionality  of the Barack Obama Health insurance train wreck that was forced down the throats of US Citizens against our will.

If we read the 10th Amendment to the US Constitution, It is very easy to see that Barack Obama clearly disregarded the Constitution of the United States of America.  The main point is forcing people to buy health insurance against their will.


“The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution,

nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the

States respectively, or to the people.”

I believe that the Supreme Court will eventually have to hear this case. If they refuse then it will be very apparent that Barack Obama has single handedly destroyed the core reason that the United States even exists.  Remember that the Reason that the United States exists was to separate us from the controls of the British Parliament.  The US Constitution was written to maintain this country’s autonomy from British Rule and the Taxes imposed upon the residents of the 13 original colonies.

If the Supreme Court hears this case that should be named. “The People of the United States Vs. Barack Obama”.

If the Supreme Court rules in favor of Barack Obama, It will be very obvious that something happened behind the scenes. What could that be that would happen?

Can a US Supreme Court justice be impeached and removed from office?

The answer is yes.

“Under normal circumstances, a Supreme Court justice is awarded a lifetime commission.

A Supreme Court Justice may be impeached by the House of Representatives and removed from office if convicted in a Senate trial, but only for the same types of offenses that would trigger impeachment proceedings for any other government official under Article I and II of the Constitution.

Section 1 of Article III states that judges of Article III courts shall hold their offices “during good behavior.” “The phrase “good behavior” has been interpreted by the courts to equate to the same level of seriousness the ‘high crimes and misdemeanors” encompasses.

In addition, any federal judge may prosecuted in the criminal courts for criminal activity. If found guilty of a crime in a federal district court, the justice would face the same type of sentencing any other criminal defendant would. The district court could not remove him/her from the Bench. However, any justice found guilty in the criminal courts of any felony would certainly be impeached and, if found guilty, removed from office.

In the United States, impeachment is most often used to remove corrupt lower-court federal judges from office, but it’s not unusual to find disgruntled special interest groups circulating petitions on the internet calling for the impeachment of one or all members of the High Court.”

Remember what I have posted before.  I am originally from Chicago and I grew up witnessing some of the most corrupt Chicago Democratic politics on the face of the earth.

Is the threat of Impeachment enough to sway the vote of a Supreme Court Justice?  I’ll let you answer that question. I will leave that up to you to do the research on that scenario.

I highly doubt that the Supreme Court will come to a decision while Barack Obama is still in office as I think this will take quite some time in the court to come to a decision.

However, if the case of “The People of the United States Vs. Barack Obama” comes before the court and is ruled in his favor before he leaves office then it will be very apparent that the corrupt Chicago politics has even influenced the highest court in the United States.  If that happens, all is lost for the autonomy and sovereignty of this country is forever damaged without the possibility of repair.

One last observation:

John Kennedy, a true Democrat: “Ask not what your country can do for you, rather ask what you can do for your country.”

Barack Obama, a true Marxist Socialist:  Barack Obama continues to tell us what our county will do for us.  All we have to do is do as Barack Obama says and pay taxes and the US Government will take care of everything else. The citizens do not have to do anything else for the US Government.

ST Marie


An Open Letter to Congressman Adam Schiff (D) (Congressional District number 29 of California) Sent 12/20/09 December 20, 2009

Dear Congressman Schiff.

I am 59 years old and I have health insurance. It is expensive. But I am very happy with it. Will I be able to keep it? Maybe. But I know that if I keep it I will be taxed because I have a “Cadillac Plan” and I will be penalized with a tax because I am considered a “Rich Bastard” because I can afford healthcare insurance.

I am so disappointed in the Marxist Socialist Democratic Party. The United States is now a single central party system just like in Communist countries. The way that the MSDR has bought off the votes of Senators is unprecedented in US History. Being originally from Chicago I have grown up with corrupt Democratic Party procedures. These corrupt policies are what Barack Obama brought to the White House from Chicago.

I’m sure you will be an idiot and vote for this train wreck of a healthcare bill that no one, not event the people voting for this know what is all in the bill because is was written by lay people who have no idea what the people of the United States care about. This is a blatant disregard of the of the desires of the citizens of the United States of America. This is legislation that should have been a bipartisan effort instead of being created behind closed doors, excluding Republicans and Independents. You know this was morally wrong and is not Constitutional. If this passes there will be people in office that will be convicted of treason and put in jail. I will join every effort to see that this happens. In any event because you never spoke out against this bill you will be considered in this movement. Is this a threat….No. Is it a fact? You will have to wait and see depending on how your vote. It won’t be me starting this movement but when it happens I will support it.

The fact that you even support the disgusting Nancy Pelosi and the Pelosians is just appalling. Barbara Boxer, Diane Feinstien Et. al. and the SEIU have all but ruined this state of California. Companies are closing and moving from this state in large numbers. The reasons: Excruciating high taxes, crippling EPA restrictions and the corrupt SEIU stranglehold on business in this State. This state will never recover until it is run by any other party except for the Marxist Socialist Democratic Party.

Here is the fact that you have to go to sleep with tonight. “The problem with Marxist Socialist Entitlement Programs is that you eventually run out of OTHER peoples money.”

P.S. Ditto on all of this for “CAP AND TAX.” This is another MSDP train wreck. If you think there is unemployment now wait till businesses get hit with “Emission Taxes.” If you vote for this train wreck of a bill and create “Energy Credits” what do you think will happen? Who will create, trade and control energy credits that are the same as money? Wall Street. Do you thing the corrupt US Government will be allowed to control “Energy Credits.” This will then make the United States officially a Communist Country because the US Government will control everything that that happens in The United States. I want you to vote against any kind of CAP and TAX legislation.

In any event no matter what you do: “YOU ARE FIRED.”

Don’t bother to respond to this unless you say “I agree and I will vote against both the Health Care and the Cap and Tax Train wrecks.” If I get a response from you saying anything else I will consider it a “Canned Response” showing that you do not care about what the the Citizens of the United States really want.



The Cloward Piven Strategy 11/22/09 Updated 12/13/09 November 22, 2009

OK so what is The Cloward Piven Strategy?

Let’s start with this explanation.

Today Senator Harry Reid continues to ignore the wishes of the majority of  the citizens in the United States by pushing and getting 60 votes to start the discussion on a very, very bad healthcare bill that is unsustainable in monetary support with any amount of taxes collected or seized.

Here is: H.R. 3962 that was Passed 60 to 39 to move forward for debate.

If H.R. 3962 gets passed it will  be the beginning of the collapse of our economy. This is far worse than any Global Warming Ponzi Scheme that Al Gore is running. As outlined in Cloward Piven Obama Care is the first step of many to implement the Cloward Piven Strategy.

Here is a definition of the Cloward Piven Strategy from Wikipedia.

Cloward Piven Strategy

Richard A. Cloward

Frances Fox Piven

Democratic Socialists of America

Time for you to do some homework and research to be more informed about what I am writing about.

OK so let’s talk about these people: Barack Obama, Saul Alinsky, Richard A. Cloward, and his wife Frances Fox Piven.

Saul Alinsky

“Alinsky’s teachings influenced Barack Obama in his early career as a community organizer on the far South Side of Chicago.[7][8] Working for Gerald Kellman’s Developing Communities Project, Obama learned and taught Alinsky’s methods for community organizing.[7][9] Several prominent national leaders have been influenced by Alinsky’s teachings,[7] including Ed Chambers,[5] Tom Gaudette,Michael GecanWade Rathke,[10][11], and Patrick Crowley.[12]

Saul Alinsky wrote two books.

Reveille for Radicals


Rules for Radicals

Saul Alinsky wrote this:

“What follows is for those who want to change the world from what it is to what they believe it should be. ‘The Prince’ was written by Machiavelli for the Haves on how to hold power. ‘Rules for Radicals’ is written for the Have-Nots on how to take it away.”

So how does this all tie together? As you all know Barack Obama was greatly influenced by Saul Alinsky in addition to Frank Marshall Davis.

Both of these gentleman were radical socialists and in the case of Frank Marshal Davis had connections to the CPUSA (Communist Party United States of America.)

As you have figured out by now that Barack Obama is the most radical president that has ever been elected to office.  This becomes obvious in his callous disregard for the Constitution of the United States of America.  The idea that Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Chris Dodd and Barney Franks all say that the citizens of the United States have the “RIGHT” to government provided health care proves that quite blatantly.

If you can find anywhere in the US Constitution where Citizens of the United States of America have the RIGHT to healthcare please let me know so I can post it here.

As these government programs like the “Public Health Care Plan” and “Cap and Tax’ are pushed into law and forced unwillingly down the throats of the citizens of the United States of America, It starts to become evident that these programs are unsustainable with any amount of taxes that will be collected. As the huge numbers of less fortunate people in this country start to TAKE from the system more than they GIVE to the system you can see how this will start to collapse the financial structure of the US Federal Government subsequent imploding the US Economy.  The implosion will take place as the US Debt becomes so big that there is no way to ever repay it.  As the dollar collapses we will not longer be able to sell our debt to countries like China as they will deem the US Dollar as worthless. When the US Dollar becomes worthless that is a classic case of bankruptcy.  As Taxes and Penalties are demanded  and collected buy the Socialist government, it becomes very apparent how the Capitalist Free Enterprise System of the United States will collapse and become non existent due to the high costs of doing business and being able to compete with a Government run entity that may include everything from health care to “Green Manufacturing of Government Designed and Mandated Automobiles.”

As private capitalist enterprise starts to deteriorate the Central Socialist Plutocratic Party Government will start to take over and create a One Plutocratic Party System (A Marxist Socialist Party) that looks a lot like a Communist Society will start to emerge.

Classic Marxism

As you do your homework  on the Cloward Piven Strategy, it will become quite evident on the path that this The Untied States of America is headed in. It is so difficult to believe that the “Lamestream Media” refuses to report on this.

12/13/09  Today the Socialist Democrats jammed a 1.1 TRILLION dollar budget down the throats of the citizens of the United States. This is the first of many unsustainable budgets to be passed further deteriorating the quality of life for generations to come. This is the Cloward Piven Strategy in action.  Not only are people out of work and not paying taxes, but more and more jobs will be lost and there will be no amount of taxes that can be collected to ever repay this debt.  So what does that mean? Well seeing as how the government can not declare bankruptcy the Fed will print more money thus devaluating the dollar even more. In turn this will lower the quality of life in this country to 3rd world standards.  There will ultimately be three classes of people.


Petite Bourgeoisie,


As proletariats we will own nothing.  We will work for the government (Central Plutocratic Party System) and the government will provide everything the Central Plutocratic Party System determines what we our needs are inorder to be productive and Support the Central Plutocratic Party System.

The Petite Bourgeoisie will be the Modest Small Business people that will provide the support for the Central Party System.

We now start to see the difference between a FREE MARKET SYSTEM and what we thought as CAPITALISM.

In a FREE MARKET SYSTEM we are allowed to Create and Save income to improve our lives and quality of life.

In a CAPITALIST system we are controlled by the Central Plutocratic Party system seen in the graphic above.  When we are controlled by the Central Plutocratic Party System we are not allowed to improve our own quality of life, rather we are mandated in improving the Quality of life and existence of the Central Plutocratic Party System.

At this time the only thing that will stop this from occurring is reducing and eventually dissolving  the Democratic Socialist Party from ever running again for office in the United States.

The only way this country can be saved is with a two party system consisting of the Republican Party and the Libertarian Party or possible the Tea Party if it becomes a certified Political Party.

It is now up to you how you will vote in 2010 and 2012.



“Don’t Share My Wealth, Share My Work Ethic.” October 18, 2009

Today was one of those days were things didn’t go as planned with work.  Tomorrow is another new day and things will be better. In the mean time it got me to thinking about what I’m going to do with the rest of my life at 59 years old. I have to admit that work as a freelancer has been good to me over the past 12 years and continues to roll right a long.

But there are times that I would just like to quite, pick up my still camera, get in my car and just see all there is to see int the beautiful rural parts of the USA and take a lot of pictures that would make people smile. People spend millions of dollars to go see other countries when most haven’t even explored what the good ole’ USA has to offer.

However, there is a problem with that thought.  In particular it is the problem of uncertainty that Barack Obama brings to the table.

Barack Obama is very concerned with taking my hard earned savings, eating away at it with taxes and giving it to people that do not have the work ethic that I have cultured over the years. All kind of taxes on companies that would drive the costs of retirement to a very uncomfortable place.

Barack Obama would rather concentrate on having a green country with people that have low cost or free healthcare that is very bad in quality instead of having a healthy economy. An economy where people have a strong work ethic and do not rely on the federal government stealing from hard working people and giving it away to slackers for free. When people are working, crime goes down, tax revenues at all levels of local, county, state and federal government goes up.

I came up with the topic of my blog from a picture from the blog linked below. I want to thank that person for posting these pictures as they are a snapshot of what people in the country are really thinking. The Tea Party was a small movement at first but as soon as people see the errors in waste that big government is taking our hard earned money for, they begin to see the light.  A some people have said, “A sleeping giant has been awakened.”

A Tea Party Greets Obama in San Francisco.

Share work Ethic

A lot of my friends have said. “WAIT,  He has only been if office for 9 months.”  Well ya know I don’t have a lot of time. By the time Obama gets thrown out of office I will be 62 and I still will not have the confidence to retire.

There is a chance of redemption that in 2010 a significant number of senate seats that will go to Republicans and I hope Libertarians.  It seems that the most corrupt people are in the Senate. If the people vote to cripple the Democratic Senate then we can reduce Barack Obama to the lame duck president that he was even before he was elected.

I really think that this sold be the new mantra for 2009:


Let’s see if we can make this work.

ST Marie


An open letter to Congressman Adam Schiff. August 10, 2009

Congressman Schiff,

Here are my questions for your town hall meeting.

1. How are you going to pay for this Health Care Train Wreck (HCTW)?

2. Can you show the public a powerpoint presentation of precise facts and figures on exactly where the funds are going to come from to pay for the HCTW?

3. How is Barack Obama going to prevent illegal immigrants from benefiting from his HCTW.

4. How is Barack Obama going to prevent illegal immigrants from rushing over the border to sign up for his HCTW?

5. One of the methods that has been tabled is to tax health care benefits. If that method is chosen, will the healthcare benefits of the SEIU, UAW, United Steel workers and every other member of any union have their healthcare benefits taxed?

6. If Barack Obama’s HCTW passes and presents itself with a business model like Wal Mart, how will private healthcare survive? When Barack Obama says he want to provide “Affordable” healthcare, Describe affordable. 10 % less than average, 20% less than average, 50% less than average, 75% less than average, 85% less than average? Tell me.

7. If Barack Obama’s HCTW hammers the healthcare industry on costs much like Wal Mart does to it’s venders, what incentives do the healthcare industry have to expand and build facilities, hire personal and promote R&D in healthcare medicine?

8. Barack Obama’s HCTW proposes to cover 45 Million uninsured people with healthcare.  At this time the healthcare industry does not have adequate facilities to take care of the people that have insurance now.

Do you think that people will be interested in going to medical school if they will not be able to earn more than $30,000 a year because of payment limits in the Obama HCTW?

9. Congressman Schiff besides your degree in law, do you have an MBA?

10. Congressman Schiff, do you have any kind of degree in economics?

Finally I command you to vote NO against Barack Obama’s Healthcare Train Wreck.

I command you to vote NO against Barack Obama’s “Cap and Tax” Train Wreck.



An Open letter to Mr. Bill Novelli CEO of AARP (Updated 8/11/09)

Mr. Bill Novelli,

I am thoroughly disgusted in AARP’s decision to support Barack Obama’s Marxist Socialist Government Administered Health Care Program. Thank you AARP for throwing seniors under the bus to satisfy the wishes of a very selfish, morally damaged Democratic party. You are supposed to support us seniors and prevent organizations from taking advantage of us. The mere fact that Barack Obama wants to cut back on medicare to pay for this program is just wrong. Basically he will shift healthcare benefits from the elderly to much younger people that can still monetarily contribute to his healthcare train wreck. While older people that are retired, that are not working and will not contribute to the coffers of Barackos’ plan will then be denied healthcare in their later years. This is so wrong on so many levels it is disgusting. I have no idea how much money AARP gave to Barack Obama but if it was more than $1.00 it was a total waste of AARP’s members money. Being originally from Chicago, I am very familiar with corrupt Democratic “Pay to Play” politics. If AARP is involved with “Pay to Play” in the Obama administration, it will surface one day. I’ll be expecting a new press release with the official position of the AARP to be voting against the Barack Obama Government Administered Healthcare Train Wreck.

P.S.  I am not part of the Conservative “Mob.”


I’d like to make a correction that came from a comment from GDN. He/she pointed out that Mr. Novelli was replaced by a Mr. Barry Rand who supported Barack Obama with the maximum political donation of $4600.00 with a total of $15,900 total to the DNC since since 1995. Here is the source of that information.–lobby/new-aarp-chief-gave-big-to-obama-2009-03-12.html

I had already sent the letter via the AARP webpage to Mr. Novelli as I had read an older article that Mr, Novelli was still the CEO.

Thank you again GDN for that correction. The credit is all yours. 🙂