Stmarie’s Weblog

2012 Election Information

Barack Obama and the State of the Nation 10/12/09 October 12, 2009

Hi Everyone,

It has been awhile since I have sat down and expressed my views. When I first started to blog before Barack Obama was corruptly elected to office. (Remember he is from Chicago and that is how Democratic politicians are elected to office) he hadn’t started the destruction of the United States that we are witnessing today. We now know what he meant by “CHANGE.” “CHANGE” means destruction if the United States as we have know it for 200 years.  The one thing that Barack Obama has done very effectively is resurrect racism in this country. Ever since the day he took office that topic is in the news.

It finally comes down to this: “If you disagree with Barack Obama and his policies you are a racist and you hate Afro-Americans.” This is the most destructive chain of thought to evolve out of the Barack Obama Presidency.  Is this Barack’s Problem? Of course not. But wait, or is it? If it is not his problem why is he not calling out the people like Bill Clinton, Jimmy Carter and a host of other Barack Obama supporters to tell them that it is wrong to make the racial comment above. Maybe Barack Obama is not not responsible for the racial comments, however he has the position to make the statement “If you disagree with Barack Obama and his policies you are a racist and you hate Afro-Americans.” socially unacceptable.  But his decision not to speak out against this statement means that he agrees with that statement. This making him a racially motivated person.

This is what our country has been reduced to. Is civil war a possibility? I doubt it very highly. Will our country become more and more divided?  That is a guarantee that you can take to the mountain top.  Barack Obama has shown in the last few days how unqualified he is to be President of the United States when it comes to foreign policy and diplomacy. He has no idea of how to handle the military when it comes to overseas commitment. At the end of the day we are in a religious war in the middle east and those last for hundreds of years. The choice is to keep fighting or surrender to the enemies. Only two choices.

As the emotional and financial stability of our nation crumbles, the Democratic Party has only three agendas:

1. Raise taxes

2. Make the top 5% of high income people pay for the rest of the country.

3. Provide the country with a huge amount of free, low cost, poor quality entitlement programs.

Thank you,



An Open Letter to Michael Moore 5/21/09 May 22, 2009


Before you begin your movie on the economy continuing to bash George W you should read these two pages from the Federal Register.


Section C & D

This will explain to you the kindling point when in 1997 Bill Clinton expanded Jimmy Carter’s 1977 Community Reinvestment Act. (60 FR 22156–57)

In a nut shell, Bill Clinton mandated that banks make loans a lot easier for people that could not afford homes so that they could buy them anyway.  The usual Socialist Democrat “Creating a land of Entitlement.”

You may also want to read my Blog.

You will notice that I wrote this entry on September 29, 2008.

You will also notice that almost everything that I predicted about Barack Obama came to be true including the relentless blaming of George W. for all the problems with the economy when it was really Bill Clinton that started it in 1997. I will admit that George W. did not battle hard enough against the Democrats in 2004 to prevent the total meltdown of the economy in 2007-2008.

I will bet that you will mention absolutely nothing about what Bill Clinton did in your movie and if you do it will be one line with no coverage of his blunder at all.

This act that Bill Clinton did was swept under the carpet and never mentioned on any news cast including Fox News Network. How did I find out? My cousin sent me the “Burning Down the House” video and I was just so blown away that I spent a month researching it before I wrote my blog. When I got to the mandate in the Federal Register I knew that it had really happened and the rest of the puzzle could be put together by a 12 year old.

This is how it plays out. If Bill Clinton had never expanded the CRA in 1997 and mandated that banks write loans to people that could never afford a home to begin with, The banks would have continued to write safe and secure traditional 30 year loans instead of using creative lending practices like 5/25, 2/28, no down payment, Interest only loans etc. The deregulation opened doors to predatory lenders that took advantage of a very dysfunctional, bad law. None of that would have happened and our economy would not be in the condition that it is in today with Barack Obama making worse and worse every day he speaks.

I hope you are intelligent to see this chain of events and now the Socialist/Democratic way of handling the economy will fail just like it did in 1997 with Bill Clinton except a lot worse. We are looking down the barrel of huge taxes, very high interests rates to combat inflation that will be created by printing all this money that doesn’t exist today and 13% to 15% unemployment.  You can’t create jobs with high taxes and excruciating regulations on business. Businesses will not grow or even start to employ people until taxes come way down and restrictions are lifted on corporations to grown and reduce unemployment.

Today Barack Obama continues to use the “Community Reinvestment” theme that failed so miserably in the past.

I hope you are intelligent enough to do your own research and find out more about this.

Thank you,

P. S Nancy Pelosi want to investigate the Bush administration for war crimes, yet she does not want to investigate Bill Clinton for dereliction of duty and crimes against the US economy by providing a mandate that facilitated the destruction of the credibility of the US banking system that eventually spread though out the world.



Barack Obama is Systematically Destroying This Country February 27, 2009

In Barack Obama’s quest to transfer power from the people to the government Barack Obama is making decisions with out the consent of the voting citizens of the United States.  Today’s announcement that he is going to with draw troops on August 10, 2010 is a good idea. But this is how stupid Barack Obama is, He just announced to the world that we have surrendered and are incapable of finishing what we started. If Barack Obama had withdrawn the troops quietly in an organized or systematic way that would have been OK.  Everyday Barack Obama shows his short comings in his ability to lead this country. And again I’m sure today’s news will again remove the confidence in the investors in this county and the markets will weaken even further.  You can see the downward spirial of the market here as I track it as Barack Obama makes his plans to ruin Wall Street and destroy the savings of US Citizens.

I just want to explode as I watch the market and my life’s savings disappear.  It is bad enough the Bill Clinton started this mess, George W. Bush contributed to it when he got side tracked with 9/11 and didn’t grab the bull by the balls and stop the emerging mortgage melt down by taking action against the Socialist party and stop the madness at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.  And now the voters of The United States of America have giving a person that has roots in Marxist Socialism a credit card with no limits or good credit.  If you think 9/11 changed America for the worst, Just wait till you see the shambles that Barack Obama is going to leave.  Most of my friends say, “Give him a chance he is only in office for a few months.”  In the few months that Barack Obama has been in office he has not give us hope, rather he has done just the opposite, he has destroyed the confidence of the public. The only people that have confidence in Barack Obama are people that believe that they deserve a life of entitlement provided free by the entrepreneurs that have started businesses to give this country jobs.

Today Barack Obama has made the proclamation that he (in the name of the Government)  is mandate that the successful people today making $250,000.00 or more will be subject to extreme high taxes which amount to extortion as these people that make that amount of money have no say in how much Barack Obama wants to take from them.

Barack Obama wants to use the taxes that he is going to take from people that make over $250,000.00 to provide subsidized welfare in the name of healthcare to the public.

See my page on my comments on healthcare.

Let’s listen to Barney Franks statement about “RECOVERING” the money that the wealthy have due to the currant tax rate.

This was an interview with CNBC which is one of the most liberal media stations on the air. According to Barney Franks the people that have been successful must now have that money “RECOVERED.” As if that money never belonged to the sucessful people to begin with and the government is “ENTITLED” to that money and must take it back.

Just think about what Barney Franks is saying.  Just think.  Basically if the socialists believe you have to much money they will take it back and PUNISH you for being successful. What is this going to do to the psyche of anyone that wants to start a small business, create jobs and provide a privately run enterprise? It will discourage anyone from starting a business for fear of being successful and making over $250,000.00 a year.  And here is the worst of this, $250,000.00 is not a lot of money for some one to earn if they own a small business.  Ok so what amount would be? I think that any one making over $750,000.00 a year should be taxed at a slightly (maybe 8%) more in Income tax.

Wake up America.  This is not good.  You can think about today as we are all having a rough time.  But what is emerging is not a good plan for the future of your children or your not to distant future.



A Letter to Bill O’Reilly January 29, 2009

Hi Bill.

I have a question. I am really convinced that this whole financial meltdown was instigated by Bill Clinton’s mandate for more loans to be written by banks.

Think of Bill Clinton knocking over the first domino in the financial meltdown domino line.

Item 2C on this page.

My biggest frustration is that with this mandate, it opened the door for greedy bankers and investors to do all the damage that they have done. When Billy Carter wrote the CRA of 1977 it corrected a problem called “Redlining” that banks were doing by not writing loans in the inner cities of our country. Fast forward to 1997 when Clinton created the expansion of the CRA of 1997. Basically Bill Clinton created a land of entitlement for people that could never afford a home under normal lending practices. Enter Bear Sterns and other lending organizations that invented “Creative Lending Practices” Aka “Sub Prime Loans” in order to meet the requirements of Bill Clinton’s Lending practice rating system.

So My question is why doesn’t anyone address this issue?  Why has it been brushed under the carpet for years?  I really wish you could take a few minutes and read my blog.

Love your show. Keep it up.



William J. “Bubba” Clinton and the Economic Democratic Disaster of 2007 through 2012 January 18, 2009

Hello again,

I has been a while since I have posted any thoughts as I wanted to let time take it’s toll. In the past few months our country has deteriorated to almost the same level as the Great Economic Crash of 1929.  The collapse of our economy is a well orchestrated plan by the Democratic Party to completely destroy any other party representing the American people in modern day politics, Thus making the United States a one party Socialist country.  I also want to make it perfectly clear that if this was happening with the Republican Party the events would be just as detrimental to the well being and the freedoms and privileges that we as Americans have enjoyed up until now. This is a multiple party Democracy. I hope it remains that way to keep checks and balances in order.

The American people have voted and they have chosen a person to be president of the United States based mostly on the color of his skin.  The American people have thrown aside any questions about qualifications or ulterior motives of the person they have put into office.  The country is so caught up in Obama merchandising of commemorative pins, coins, songs, banners, comic books, bobbles, SWAG, buttons, banners and other items that are so insignificant to the problems that lay ahead of us in the near and long term future.

My own story is in the past three days I have found out that I have to come up with $25,000.00 in order to save my house.  I am able to do it but it comes at a huge price and that is not spending any money to help grow the economy.  This is exactly what I have not wanted to do all my life. I always felt that it was my patriotic duty is to spend money and keep the economy going. I can no longer do that.

Finally the damage that Bill Clinton inflicted on the United States of American by expanding the CRA of 1977 finally has had a personal effect on me.

In a nut shell, Just as Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and Barney Franks are creating a country of “entitlement without responsibility” today, so did the creators of the expansion of the CRA in 1995 and put into law by Bill Clinton in 1997.

I have been on leave for awhile just sitting back and watching the new administration being formed for Barack Obama”s “New Way to do business in Washington.”

I have been watching him put a great number of former Clintonistas back into power including Hillary herself. Now Appointing Hillary is a pretty crafty way for Barack to achieve job security.  The best way for Barack Obama to keep Hillary from running against him in 2012 was to put her in his cabinet. Hillary is not qualified at all to be Secretary of of State. but Hillary’s appointment is a monkey off of Barack Obama’s back. By re-appointing a lot of the same people that contributed to the melt down of the economy during the Clinton era back into power  just shows how unqualified Barack Obama really is.  If Barack was really going to bring a “New Way of Doing Business In Washington” he would have never brought back anyone that only knows how to run Washington the “OLD WAY.”

Barack Obama has one huge problem on his hands…. no not the economy.. Nancy Pelosi.  Out of the “DUMB BOX OF HAMMERS” ( Harry Reid, Barney Franks, Nancy Pelosi et al.) Nancy Pelosi seems to be the dumbest and the most incendiary dumb hammer in the box.

Here is why I say that.  Barack Obama says he wants to “Reach across the aisle” to the Republican Party to work with them. In the meantime Nancy Pelosi is starting her own private Nuclear War with the Republicans.

Now Nancy Pelosi is butting heads with Barack Obama… or will Barack Obama turn against the Republicans like a rabid junk yard dog and then absolutely nothing will get done for the next 4 years.

I find it so odd that Nancy Pelosi would attempt to bring criminal charges against the Republican party and not her own Democratic Party Members that were in office in 1997 when the mandates to systematically destroy the economy were put into place.

On this page you will find what exactly Bill Clinton Mandated. He put for that institutions shall be examined and rated.  “and institute more effective sanctions against institutions with consistently poor performance.” This means that if loan organizations did not write enough loans to low income and unqualified people, the institutions would be penalized.


Lending Service Investment

Outstanding …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 12 6 6

High Satisfactory ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 9 4 4

Low Satisfactory ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 6 3 3

Needs to Improve ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 3 1 1

Substantial Noncompliance ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 0 0 0

“Community and consumer groups also have criticized the agencies for failing aggressively to penalize banks and thrifts for poor performance.

Noting that the CRA examination process could be improved, President Clinton requested in July 1993 that the Federal financial supervisory agencies reform the CRA regulatory system. The President asked the agencies to consult with the banking and thrift industries, Congressional leaders, and leaders of community-based organizations across the country to develop new CRA regulations and examination procedures that ‘‘replace paperwork and uncertainty with greater performance, clarity, and objectivity.’’ Specifically, the President asked the agencies to refocus the CRA examination system on more objective, performance-based assessment standards that minimize compliance burden while stimulating improved performance. He also asked the agencies to develop a well-trained corps of examiners who would specialize in CRA examinations. The President requested that the agencies promote consistency and evenhandedness, improve CRA performance evaluations, and institute more effective sanctions against institutions with consistently poor performance.”

OK so now you are asking why I will not let this go. Here is the reason.  I believe that Bill Clinton instituted  the biggest crime against the economy by mandating the 1997 CRA reform act. He pitted the performance of the number of loans serviced in this country against the quality of the loans thus mandating that the institutions write a huge number of loans whether the loans had proper documentation or using creative, often corrupt loan instruments to people that could not qualify or ever pay back the monies owed on the mortgage, credit card or what ever type of credit program that the loan applicant had applied for.

I find it very offensive that the public view George W. Bush as the worst president ever.  Ok so he was not the best.  But he was not the cornerstone of our now failed economy.

To me, I would have thought that giving todays state of the economy that the following video (not from Fox News Network) would have been the death nail of the Democratic Party representitives that are in office now and at least for the next two years until elections in 2010. This shows the total disregard for the wishes of the American People as these legislators have put their own agenda ahead of what was really necessary for the good of the people of the United States of America.

The award of worst president ever would go to Bill Clinton’s and his adminstration (Barney Franks et al.) for setting up the mandates for greed that eventually took a toll on the stability and the currant collapse of the US Economy that we have today.  And when the Bush adminstration called to light the impending disaster in 1993 the Clinton Adminstration (Yes the same people that are in office now.) repeatedly argued that there was no problem with Freddie Mac or Fannie Mae. I will never forget or forgive Bill Clinton and his adminstration for this disastrous decision. And what makes matters worse is that this fact was completely pushed under the carpet by everyone and the story has not been revealed to the public in any depth except by one or two stories on Fox New Network.

My point is that the people of this country have elected the political party of entitlement.  We are seeing this in the way that Barack Obama is spending money.  In addition instead of telling people that things will get better he is telling people things are going to get a lot worse.  We know that is true.  But why be so pessimistic and drive people to be so dependent on big government.

If this is any indicator of what we have in store for the future it will never get better again for a long time.  In one of my earlier blogs I mentioned Rod Blagojevich who is in Barack Obama’s posse of corrupt Chicago politics. What I see in the future is that Barack Obama may…I stress may get involved with “Pay to Play” for the huge government contracts for infrastructure improvement. Maybe that will be Barack Obama’s Achilles heel.  Time will tell.

OK on to my next topic.  Jobs.   Barack Obama says he is going to create 3 million new jobs.  My question is jobs for who?  If Barack Obama had said I’m going to create 3 millions jobs for American Citizens and not for illegal immigrants, I would be happy.  But Barack Obama is not making any provisions like that. So now Barack Obama has turned the green light back on for an explosion of Illegal Immigrants from all over the world especially from south of the border.

OK so we all know that the Unions of this country by and large helped put Barack Obama into power.  If Barack Obama empowers unions to get established in more occupations, thus increasing costs of business operation, we will see even more jobs go overseas.

Finally, I want to ask Barack Obama how he is going to pay for the trillions of dollars of entitlement bestowed on the citizens of the United States.  He is spending money that does not exist so it has to be printed.  Ok so now my dollar will be worth .. oh say .. $0.20. Wow just like any other third world nation. How about that?

Who is going to pay back the trillions of dollars you are spending Barack Obama?  The only real source there is are the Baby Boomers.  And they will be fading to black soon.  So who will pay that back and at what rate?  60% Income tax for what is left of the middle class and 80% for 1% of the wealthy that are left in the US?

Thank you Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Barney Franks and Harry Reid for bringing us the next 8 years (Barack Obama will rig it so he gets elected to a second term) of economic and social hell.