Stmarie’s Weblog

2012 Election Information

Barack Obama and the State of the Nation 10/12/09 October 12, 2009

Hi Everyone,

It has been awhile since I have sat down and expressed my views. When I first started to blog before Barack Obama was corruptly elected to office. (Remember he is from Chicago and that is how Democratic politicians are elected to office) he hadn’t started the destruction of the United States that we are witnessing today. We now know what he meant by “CHANGE.” “CHANGE” means destruction if the United States as we have know it for 200 years.  The one thing that Barack Obama has done very effectively is resurrect racism in this country. Ever since the day he took office that topic is in the news.

It finally comes down to this: “If you disagree with Barack Obama and his policies you are a racist and you hate Afro-Americans.” This is the most destructive chain of thought to evolve out of the Barack Obama Presidency.  Is this Barack’s Problem? Of course not. But wait, or is it? If it is not his problem why is he not calling out the people like Bill Clinton, Jimmy Carter and a host of other Barack Obama supporters to tell them that it is wrong to make the racial comment above. Maybe Barack Obama is not not responsible for the racial comments, however he has the position to make the statement “If you disagree with Barack Obama and his policies you are a racist and you hate Afro-Americans.” socially unacceptable.  But his decision not to speak out against this statement means that he agrees with that statement. This making him a racially motivated person.

This is what our country has been reduced to. Is civil war a possibility? I doubt it very highly. Will our country become more and more divided?  That is a guarantee that you can take to the mountain top.  Barack Obama has shown in the last few days how unqualified he is to be President of the United States when it comes to foreign policy and diplomacy. He has no idea of how to handle the military when it comes to overseas commitment. At the end of the day we are in a religious war in the middle east and those last for hundreds of years. The choice is to keep fighting or surrender to the enemies. Only two choices.

As the emotional and financial stability of our nation crumbles, the Democratic Party has only three agendas:

1. Raise taxes

2. Make the top 5% of high income people pay for the rest of the country.

3. Provide the country with a huge amount of free, low cost, poor quality entitlement programs.

Thank you,