Stmarie’s Weblog

2012 Election Information

“Don’t Share My Wealth, Share My Work Ethic.” October 18, 2009

Today was one of those days were things didn’t go as planned with work.  Tomorrow is another new day and things will be better. In the mean time it got me to thinking about what I’m going to do with the rest of my life at 59 years old. I have to admit that work as a freelancer has been good to me over the past 12 years and continues to roll right a long.

But there are times that I would just like to quite, pick up my still camera, get in my car and just see all there is to see int the beautiful rural parts of the USA and take a lot of pictures that would make people smile. People spend millions of dollars to go see other countries when most haven’t even explored what the good ole’ USA has to offer.

However, there is a problem with that thought.  In particular it is the problem of uncertainty that Barack Obama brings to the table.

Barack Obama is very concerned with taking my hard earned savings, eating away at it with taxes and giving it to people that do not have the work ethic that I have cultured over the years. All kind of taxes on companies that would drive the costs of retirement to a very uncomfortable place.

Barack Obama would rather concentrate on having a green country with people that have low cost or free healthcare that is very bad in quality instead of having a healthy economy. An economy where people have a strong work ethic and do not rely on the federal government stealing from hard working people and giving it away to slackers for free. When people are working, crime goes down, tax revenues at all levels of local, county, state and federal government goes up.

I came up with the topic of my blog from a picture from the blog linked below. I want to thank that person for posting these pictures as they are a snapshot of what people in the country are really thinking. The Tea Party was a small movement at first but as soon as people see the errors in waste that big government is taking our hard earned money for, they begin to see the light.  A some people have said, “A sleeping giant has been awakened.”

A Tea Party Greets Obama in San Francisco.

Share work Ethic

A lot of my friends have said. “WAIT,  He has only been if office for 9 months.”  Well ya know I don’t have a lot of time. By the time Obama gets thrown out of office I will be 62 and I still will not have the confidence to retire.

There is a chance of redemption that in 2010 a significant number of senate seats that will go to Republicans and I hope Libertarians.  It seems that the most corrupt people are in the Senate. If the people vote to cripple the Democratic Senate then we can reduce Barack Obama to the lame duck president that he was even before he was elected.

I really think that this sold be the new mantra for 2009:


Let’s see if we can make this work.

ST Marie