Stmarie’s Weblog

2012 Election Information

Barack Obama’s Destructive Business Agenda July 13, 2010

So today I went to go to my favorite Sabarro Pizza at




This is what I found.

So what happened here? To be honest I really don’t know.

I do know that Sabarro is a franchise organization.

So why did it close?

1. Land lord raised the rent beyond what the restaurant could sustain.

2. Franchisee was a bad business person and did not run the store properly.

3. Business was just down and could not survive.

4. Local business taxes were to high.

4. All of the above.

Here are the things that I do know that happened.

1. A franchisee lost his/her livelihood and business dream.

2. A given number of people lost their jobs.

3. A great number of future jobs were lost. (Unless the landlord is lucky enough to lease the space to another business.)

4. Loss of future jobs for High School Students or potential future Sabarro franchisees that would have been working there.

5. Loss of sales tax revenue for the City of Burbank, CA

6. Loss of sales tax revenue for the County of Los Angeles.

7. Loss of sales tax revenue for the State of California.

8. Loss of revenue for the food purveyors that supplied the food products that were served.

9. Loss of federal income tax collected from the owner and employees.

10. Loss of Medicare tax collected from the owner and employees.

11. Loss of California State Income tax from the owner and employees.

Ok so here is my point. Barack Obama wants people to think that everything is getting better. Tell that to all the people and their families that lost their job at this Sabarro and all the other business that continue to close everyday. Are new businesses opening up? Of course, But it is safe to say that more businesses are closing than opening.

In the meantime Barack Obama focuses on pissing away tax payer dollars for things like lawsuits against Arizona SB 1070 instead of concentrating  on bolstering small business and creating new jobs.

ST Marie